Equestrian Amazon Finds Pink Edition
On June 6, 2024 by adminPink Amazon Finds! Have you got a pink person in your life? I certainly do! Everything is better if it is pink, and since I love her and want to make her happy I set out to find some quirky pink stuff for her and her horse. With my daughter in mind I set out

Strides! Show jumping distances explained
On June 10, 2021 by adminShow jumping distances Counting your strides Just starting out in Show jumping or competing at top level, distances is something that is more and more important to master. Not only is top level sport getting more and more technical, entry level show jumping is too. Course building trends dictate how show jumping evolves and tricky

Grid with oxers
On March 29, 2019 by adminGrid with oxers Improve technique, balance and strength. Jumping grids, especially a grid with oxers have many benefits for both horse and rider, and is definitely something to include in the training from time to time, especially if you need to improve on the horses technique over a fence. The rider also benefits hugely, the

Jump a course!
On March 21, 2019 by adminCourse exercise number 1 The importance of walking the course. Full speed ahead! Time to try out how far the exercises have got you. We are now going to put the exercises together and jump a whole course of fences. This time it is not about jump offs and tight turns, the goal is rather

Stand off
On March 2, 2019 by adminStand off the fence and don’t drift. This exercise has a whole bunch of benefits. It is created first and foremost for horses that are rushing their fences. The V pole will make them stand off the fence. This is not the only benefit though. This exercise will also help horses that drift and horses

Keep it straight
On February 26, 2019 by admin
Beat the competition!
Jump at an angle
To be able to shave off valuable seconds in a jump off you will have to be able to keep your horse straight and jump at an angle. This simple exercise will up your skills and help your horse feel comfortable with what is expected.

Get supple with a bounce
On February 17, 2019 by admin
This bounce exercise aims to get your horse supple. It will also help you feel the stride, to feel the length of the stride and your eye. To be able to assess how many strides remain until the horse jump and where it will jump. Done correctly this exercise will also get an over excited horse to back off.

Which way?
On February 10, 2019 by admin
Does your horse listen to you? Are you in sync over which way to go?
Is your horse awaiting your signals? Or do you feel like your horse is in charge? Are you in sync which way to go? With showjumping courses getting quite technical it is important to work on the conversation between horse and rider. A question we often need to ask ourselves is: Is my signals received by my horse? Are they understood? Do I listen to my horse? Are we on the same wavelength?

On February 2, 2019 by admin
Doubles, in more than one sense.
This exercise offers a few different difficulties. It combines riding through corners with the ability to keeping your horse straight through doubles. The warm up will keep you focused and perfect your skills at showing your horse which way to go!! Precision!

Beta 2019
On January 31, 2019 by adminBETA – British Equine Trade Exhibition.
The place where new and modern meets traditional and classy.
There is something special with exhibitions, it’s the ultimate in glamour and glitz, BETA is no different. Everyone involved has great expectations on the trade and on viewing new products for the first time. I used to be one of the exhibitors, now the roles have changed. I am the one standing eagerly waiting for the doors to open. I’m more than excited to be here, I am keen to know whats new and what has stood the test of time.

Bendy, Bendy!!!
On January 25, 2019 by admin
Get your horse more bendy and flexible!
Getting your horse and yourself bendy and flexible is one of the key components of winning at any level in the world of showjumping. Quick thinking and tight turns will win you all those valuable seconds. Practise makes perfect and this exercise is perfect as it can be done at any height, poles on the ground is perfectly ok.

Rushing the Fence
On January 17, 2019 by adminIs your horse rushing the fence?
Do you get the feeling that your horse does not listen? This is a common problem with some of the hot headed horses of today. This is one exercise that focuses on getting the horse alert and for the rider to practise how to show the horse whats next.