Tag: exercise

Keep it straight

Showjumping exercise to keep the horse straight over a fence. Learn to jump at an angle
Stay straight and shave off valuable seconds in the jump off! Jump at an angle.

Beat the competition!

Jump at an angle

To be able to shave off valuable seconds in a jump off you will have to be able to keep your horse straight and jump at an angle. This simple exercise will up your skills and help your horse feel comfortable with what is expected.

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show jumping exercise

Which way?

show jumping exercise to prevent the horse from rushing the fences and be more alert on which way to go
Which way to go? Get your horse alert!

Does your horse listen to you? Are you in sync over which way to go?

Is your horse awaiting your signals? Or do you feel like your horse is in charge? Are you in sync which way to go? With showjumping courses getting quite technical it is important to work on the conversation between horse and rider. A question we often need to ask ourselves is: Is my signals received by my horse? Are they understood? Do I listen to my horse? Are we on the same wavelength?

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Flexibility and teambuilding exercise for showjumping

Bendy, Bendy!!!

Bendy bendy 1 ideas how to get both yourself and the horse more flexible.
Start low and slow!

Get your horse more bendy and flexible!

Getting your horse and yourself bendy and flexible is one of the key components of winning at any level in the world of showjumping. Quick thinking and tight turns will win you all those valuable seconds. Practise makes perfect and this exercise is perfect as it can be done at any height, poles on the ground is perfectly ok.

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Fences for a show jumping exercise by youridewedrive

Rushing the Fence

Is your horse rushing the fence?

Do you get the feeling that your horse does not listen? This is a common problem with some of the hot headed horses of today. This is one exercise that focuses on getting the horse alert and for the rider to practise how to show the horse whats next.

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